1001 List to Import 1002 Range &Type: 1003 Select &Range: 1004 Import your spreadsheet data as a new Windows SharePoint Services list. 1005 &Import 1006 Cancel 2001 Unable to contact the Windows SharePoint Services server. 2002 Named Range 2003 Range of Cells 2004 List Range 2005 0 2006 Please select a valid range to import. 2007 This range cannot be published due to an internal error. 2008 Please select only one range of cells to import. 2009 The selected range can't be converted to a list before publishing or the existing list is invalid. 2010 The selected range is overlapped with an existing List. Please select a range without any lists overlapped or select a whole list exactly. 2011 Cannot import a single cell XML list to the Windows SharePoint Services Server. Please change your selection and try again. 2012 Cannot import from this type of worksheet. Please select from other worksheet, and try again. 2013 Excel cannot import data on a protected worksheet. Please choose data on an unprotected worksheet. 2014 The number of columns for one or more data types in this list exceeds the limit of columns that can have the same data type on the Windows SharePoint Services server. 2015 You are not authorized to perform this action on the Windows SharePoint Services server. 2016 The action cannot be completed because an associated quota on the Windows SharePoint Services server would be exceeded. 3001 Import to Windows SharePoint Services list